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  • By embedding Twitter content in your website or app, you are agreeing to the Twitter Devel...
    mamuru on Twitter: "[R-18]2Bさんと9S #pixiv https:t.c ...
  • This Is Halloween - 2B Nier Automata (R-18 1440p HD) LYRICS: Shadow: Boys and girls of eve...
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  • NieR: Automata tells the story of androids 2B, 9S and A2 and their battle to reclaim the m...
    NieR:Automata™ on Steam
  • 由於2B和9S 放棄任務,廢墟都市和反抗軍營地遭受大打擊。主角所處的部隊被消滅只是時間問題。 結束之後製作人員名單就出現,而且以光速飛速閃過(是否本來就是這個效果未知)。之後出現本...
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